Sound Change
Unit 13
[t] が [l]のように発音される場合
look it up それを調べる
Look it up.は「ルック・イット・アップ」のように発音するのではなく、lookの語尾のkとitの語頭のim語尾のtとupの語頭のuがつながります。
- Pick it up. それを拾いなさい。
- I’ll check it out. 調べておきます。
- I’ll think it over. それについてよく考えます。
- Take it easy. 落ち着いて。
- Take it off. それを脱ぎなさい。
- Let’s look it up on the Internet. それをインターネットで調べてみよう。
- Put it on the desk. それを机の上に置きなさい。
- Turn it off. スイッチを切りなさい。
- Turn it on. スイッチを入れなさい。
- Drink it up. それを飲み干しなさい。
Welcome to my place!
--- Thanks. A nice place!
Oh, your shoes… Take them off, please.
--- Oh, yes.
Put them in that Getabako.
--- I see.
Why do Japanese take their shoes off at home?
--- I’ll check it out.
No. Let’s pick it up on the Internet now.
--- OK. Turn it on.
think it over : このoverはover and over何度も何度も、という意味
Take it easyは「落ち着いて」で単にeasyということもある。
Gabe: I think you really should be [ ] as the first president with enough courage to [ ],"Enough with the powdered wigs.“ I [ ], seriously.
Aside from RuPaul, who [ ] this [ ] a good look?
Our country was [ ] by a bunch of dudes who [ ] [ ] every morning [ ] their wives,“M’lady, have you [ ] my wig?
I - - I can’t [ ] to [ ] - - And my powder, I cannot [ ] my powder!
Where is my powder?
Anyway, we [ ] 200 years without such a [ ] hairstyle again. [ ] now.
Gabe: I think you really should be remembered as the first president with enough courage to say,"Enough with the powdered wigs.“ I mean, seriously.
Aside from RuPaul, who thought this was a good look?
Our country was founded by a bunch of dudes who woke up every morning asking their wives,“M’lady, have you seen my wig?
I - - I can’t seem to find - - And my powder, I cannot find my powder!
Where is my powder?
Anyway, we went 200 years without such a bizarre hairstyle again. Until now.
Enough は「もう十分だ」というネガティブな使い方もある。Fineもそう。
powdered アメリカではパフをふりかけるボトルがある。
thought メキシコなまりでtaughtのように聞こえる。
founded しっかりとした基礎の上にたつ
a bunch of bunchはぶどうの一房で、「たくさんの」を意味する。 a lot ofのようなもの。
G: Oh, this is [ ]
M: 1962 VW Bus. Hippie not included.
G: Ah!
M: You can [ ] your dashboard for your [ ] trip.
G: Oh, thank you. Dashboard? [ ], dashboard?
No, I’m [ ] this in a [ ].
You know, this is [ ] the nicest thing I [ ].
M: God, I [ ] you’re [ ].
G: Oh, this is sick!
M: 1962 VW Bus. Hippie not included.
G: Ah!
M: You can put it on your dashboard for your summer trip.
G: Oh, thank you. Dashboard? What do you mean, dashboard?
No, I’m putting this in a safety-deposit box.
You know, this is officially the nicest thing I own.
M: God, I hope you’re kidding.
Living In the Moment 今この瞬間を生きよう
by Jason Mraz (ジェイソン・ムラーズ)
Ofiicial Videoはこちら
Jason Mraz - Living In The Moment (Official Video)
Living In The Moment by Jason Mraz (Lyrics)
If this [ ] is one act,
why do we [ ] all these [ ]?
We [ ]‘em right in our [ ]
when we just [ ] to be [ ]
I will not [ ] my days
[ ] [ ] all kinds of [ ]
To [ ] ‘bout all the [ ]
that will not [ ] to me
If this life is one act, 人生が1つの劇の1幕だったら
why do we lay all these traps? なんでこんなにトラップをしかけるんだ
We put ‘em right in our path しかも道のど真ん中にしかけている
when we just want to be free 自由になりたい、って時なのにさ
I will not waste my days 日々を無駄にするのはやめるよね
making up all kinds of ways いろんな道を修復しながらね
To worry ‘bout all the things 思い悩んだりする道のことさ
that will not happen to me まだ起きてもいないことに対してね
lay trap トラップ(罠)をしかける
So I just [ ] [ ] of
[ ] I know I [ ] [ ]
And I know I [ ] [ ] this by
So I just let go of だから気にせずに
what I know I don’t know 今わからないことを
And I know I only do this by こうすべきだとわかった
(和訳はこちらから:和訳 Living In The Moment / Jason Mraz 今この瞬間を生きよう | TERUの英語勉強ログ)
I only do thisのthisはその前の「So I just let go of what I know I don't know」をさしている。
[ ] in the moment
Living our [ ], [ ] and [ ]
With peace in my [ ]
Peace in my [ ]
[ ] in my [ ]
Wherever I’m going,
I’m already [ ]
Living in the moment
Living in the moment 瞬間・瞬間を生きることによってね
Living our life, easy and breezy 人生をいきるのさ、気楽に、明るくね
With peace in my mind 平穏に考えて
Peace in my heart 心を落ち着かせて
Peace in my soul 魂には平和をもってね
Wherever I’m going, どこへ行ってもさ
I’m already home ホームグラウンドさ
Living in the moment その循環をちゃんと生きてればね
ネットで歌詞検索をすると「Pease in my heart」と「Peace in my soul」の前に「I got」が付いているんですが、全然「I got」が聞こえない(笑)
(ちなみ歌詞つきのYoutubeでも「I got」がかかれている)